Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Everything Changes

So Jesse and I may be moving into a house together. I know I know it seems soon as a "couple" but we are living together and have been for months now. And before I moved back home Zach, Iggy, Jesse, and I all lived in a cabin together. So its not that strange.

Anyways its a small one floor house. The woman who was living there passed away and now here kids are going to rent it out. I have just seen it from the outside and its pretty nice. It just has one bedroom but also a large attic that is in nice condition that could be made into a hang out area or guest bedroom. They are friends with my brother and they said that yes we can bring our animals but we will have to pay a seperate payment for them monthly to stay there. They like that all four of the dogs are fairly small and then of course the cats. So really it could all work out.

But as of right now the people renting it have not decided on a set price they want the rent to be monthly. If its reasonable we will move in no problem. But if it is super high then we will just stay here at my moms until something comes along. We're not in a huge hurry to move my brother just mentioned it and its worth checking into.

So wish us luck!

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