Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Should Tell You

Lol okay so your all going to have to bear with me. I havent blogged in years literally and this will probley be painful boring for all of you lol. But im bored and working from home this may keep me sane lol. So I guess for this first entry I will just build off my profile so you can learn a bit more about me.

First off I should tell you that all my blog entry titles will be song titles. Just because im not that creative and I am music obsessed.

To know me is to know my music history. Here is my story.

I am a musician first and foremost. I was born into the world of music lovers and we playing guitar by the age of 6 and had been singing since I was 4. I was entered and won a number of talent contests though my younger years. And got a commercial lol. So when I hit 13 I was no longer "cute" and my mom refused to fund my shows and refused to take me to auditions. My older sister had finally got going in her modeling and that was the main focus. At that time I not only played acoustic and electric guitar but also bass, violin, drums, and piano. My school music teachers loved me because not only could I read music easily I also could play by just hearing a tune. So with being ignored I found myself some girls and started my first band. We called ourselves "Candy" Lol yeah it was bad but hey we were 13 year old girls. Really it was what could be expected. Bubble gum poppy songs mostly covers but also this is when I started writing songs. Yes we all played instruments not everyone was as good as others but we got shows. Mostly 13 year olds parties ;) but also some fairs. We stayed together for a whole year and a 1/2 lol until well they all lost interest.I continued to write songs and even got in on open mic nights at coffee houses and such. I was told I had a great talent and should find anouther band. I knew I didn't want to be in anouther all girl band ever again so I was on the look out for boys. And trust me no male based bands what to add in a girl. And I understood why you didn't want to become anouther chick lead singer and nameless band stereotype.

But when I hit 16 I got a big break with a well known local band called "Last Kiss Before Death". I had replied to a flier after their lead guitarist had left the band. They were frantic for a replacement. When I went to audition two of the band members couldn't make it that was Chris and Zach. But the third Robert was there and he was more than willing to see what I had. So I explained to him how I played and what I could play. I then showed him and belted my heart out. He agreed on the spot to hire me and was sure the other two would love me. Lol well he wasent so right lol. They hated I was a girl and I was much younger than them. And I WAS A GIRL!!! Lol I was to be the end of their band their demise and it was all Roberts fault because I wasen't going anywhere.It was true I was a girl lol and I was young. Robert was the youngest at 20 then there was Zach 22 and Chris 24. And they had history they grew up together and were still bitter their other life long friend had left the band. But after I made it clear I didn't want the spot light that Chris was the star and that I could be mature...Well we all dealt with each other. And we did amazing we always had a few shows a week if not atleast one and even toured around and out of the state. We even had a cd and tshirts we sold. We were all just waiting on me to turn 18 so we could to Hollywood and get a REAL record deal. But that never happened.A week before I turned 18 Robert was killed in a tragic car crash. He was my best friend and my sanity and the reason I fell in even deeper love with music.

It hit as all hard and in different ways. Chris sold his guitar and equipment and quit music. Zach just ran off with his gf at the time and got married. I quit playing for almost a year after. Until I realized I couldn't live with out music and I needed it. Its my one true connection to Robert and I feel like he is still here when I play.So with my reputataion I figured I could hold auditions of my own and put together my own band. And so I found Jesse, Iggy, and anouther Zach lol. I am the lead singer and guitarist again. But its not all about me as Jesse has his own songs he sings. We are called "Wild Eyes" LOL don't ask its a long story. And we being fairly new are doing great as fans from Last Kiss have crossed over. We still have a long way to go but it is a great ride. Of course I work two "real jobs" to get by so I can enjoy my music. I also am going to school for Vet Tech in the fall. So I am being smart. Lol okay this turned out really long and boring. Lol sorry. But to know me is to know my music history like I said.

Now that you know all about that I will tell you a bit about my dog Maggie May and other pets who I am sure I am going to post alot about on here.

If you have lasted this long good deal you win a cookie!!

I got Maggie going on 2 years ago from a private rescue my moms bestfriend ran. Maggie May was a puppymill case. Literally she lived out in a kennel in a large barn full of other kennels and dogs. She was bred before she was even a year old and had puppies before her first birthday. Because of this she had complications being pregnant so young and her pups had to be removed via c-section. Thats when her breeders decided she was a useless breeding dog and had her spayed on the spot. They then brought her to the rescue and within a couple weeks I adopted my heart dog and brought her home. She's a purebred (badly bred) American Cocker Spaniel black and white parti color.

She had some issues when she came here originally. Lots of health problems her ears are a mess that have to be constantly specially medicated daily. She has severe skin problems and so she has to be bathed with a special shampoo and oatmeal water. She also has some slight breathing problems and a tail docked MUCH too shorter much shorter than standard. I think she was docked by the breeders honestly. Really she has all the typical Cocker Spaniel health problems my poor girl. She also came with two HUGE fears of Men and little girls so bad that when she comes in close contact with either she submissive pee's and yelps and shrieks like someone is killing her. We have been working on her problems for a long time and she has made progress though she is still very afraid of both. Funny thing is she LOVES little boys and LOVES women. My only guess is she had some horrible experiences with big men and little girls when she was a puppy.

But put all her issues aside and you will find a amazing sweet dog. She is my constant companion, my shadow, my sanity, my bed warmer, and my heart dog. She is extremely smart and knows a number of commands which she happily obeys. She loves music especially when I play my acoustic guitar. She loves to lay her head on my knee and listen to the music come out. She also loves it when I sing to her. She is actually named after the song "Maggie May". And im not one for dressing up pets but she does have a black "tank top" that reads "Rockstar" lol . She loves cats and likes most dogs though she is partial to Cocker Spaniels. She doesent like Boston Terriers at all. Ever since she was severly attacked by my neighbors people and dog aggressive Boston Terrier she has had a huge fear of them.

Bottom line I can't imagine not having her in my life. She alot of times has been the only thing keeping me in this world. She gets me and I plan to have her until she passes away at a ripe old age. And with her turning 3 June 7th I would say we have plenty of years left together :).

Now for the cats.

Wicked lol. Wicked from the local shelter at 12 weeks old. I got her in the summer and she will be a year old in a few days actually! She is a Torte completely black and orange hence her name. She is the defination of "prissy" lol. She will avoid getting dirty at all costs and has a panic attack it almost seems when she tries to clean herself. She does not engage in rough play with the boy but enjoys running around the house like a maniac. She is the first one asking for pets and cuddles. She actually has this strange thing she does that I have never had anouther cat dog before. When she is feeling extra lovey she will come up and press her little kitty lips to any persons lips and close her eyes. LMAO I think she has watched one too many chick flicks. She has also been known to give little love licks to peoples faces. She is the princess of the house its her way of the highway lol.

Smidgeon AKA TROUBLE lol. Smidgeon came to us at 4-5 weeks of age. I witnessed him being thrown from a moving car window one cold day early November. He was so small I could hold him cupped in my small hands. He was a cute little bally of gray tabby fluff....He was just a little Smidgeon. I got special formula from my vet with the warning that he may not survive. I chose to beleive otherwise. He did however have flea's so bad they took over his entire body and made him lose all of his fur on the back of his head and neck. When he was about 6 weeks old he was near death because of this he never played or ran like normal kittens he would just stay snuggled up on my shoulder and sleep. That was when we got a special kitten safe medicated shampoo from the vet. He told us he couldn't guarantee though that even if we got every flea off his little body that he would survive. That night we spent an hour picking fleas off Smidgeons little limp body and watching bloody water run down the sink drain. I started to cry when we wrapped him in a towel because to me he seemed almost gone. The next day a brand new Smidgeon emerged. He was weak but had a new found energy and hunger. Weeks passed and he grew fast and his true personality emerged. A trouble maker, a clown, a sweetie, and just an all around boy. A vocal boy at that. And now here I sit with my 16 week old Smidgeon he is big and full of muscles. Energetic with a huge personality and full soft coat. I have a special bond with him he will always be dear to my heart. He's my survivor.

Quincy the Handsome model lol. Quincy is the newest addition he came to me 2 months ago from my uncle who could not keep him because he was moving. Quincy is a purebred white/grey shaded male Persian cat. If you don't know what that is look at that Fancy Feast cat lol. He is the calmest most easy going yet vain cat I have ever had. He KNOWS he's handsome lol. He will be a year old in a month. The only regret I have about Quincy is his front paws are declawed. My uncle had this done to protect his furniture. Which I think is a really poor excuse. If it was my choice Quincy would still have all his claws they would just be clipped every other week like Wicked and Smidgeon. Quincy isn't so much a lappy cat he would rather lay elsewhere. He does love to be held so he can look out the door to see the outside world. In other words all our cats are deprived inside cats ;). He does however love to sleep with me at night he like Maggie is a great bed warmer.

I will make a different entry about my horse later as this has gone on far too long. Lol sorry I must have bored you all to tears.


Me said...

Glad you have you blogging, Pixie. :D
Your a very interesting person..looking forward to reading!

darkchild16 said...

Hey freak it looks good. love ya